Advancing Skills in Therapeutic Horticulture Registration

The Advancing Skills in Therapeutic Horticulture course is designed to be taken in a two-month period. Two mandatory virtual three-hour synchronous meeting dates and times are included in each cohort. 

Please select a cohort when you are available for both mandatory virtual synchronous meetings. The remainder of the course can be taken on your own time prior to the final synchronous class. 

To register for the GrowTH Network member price, you must login to the site prior to pressing the “Register here” button. 

January Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729

March Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729

May Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729

July Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729

September Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729

November Course

GrowTH Network

Yearly subscribers
$ 621


or Monthly subscribers
$ 729